Saturday, August 16, 2008

Lunch money

Remember when we used to get $1.50 for lunch money back in the day? Well, one of the kids I work with, Joselin, gets exactly a quarter each day to buy herself lunch. I accompanied her to the small venta nearby. It didn't have much to chose from. She didn't even have enough to buy a bag of bread (40 cents) or a chocolate covered banana (30 cents), so she settled for a pack of 2 gummy worms and a bag of fruity corn puffs for lunch--most fruitful deal she could get from her 25 cents.

The next day, her father forgot to give her money. Us profes bought a bag of cheese puffs to share with her so she didn't starve. (We're not suppose to buy or give things to students, which may create a sense of dependency).

Later, I found a quarter on the floor while sweeping the house. No one claimed it, so I got to keep it. I felt like I just won the lottery.

1 comment:

Yermit said...

I just read all your posts backwards. Ecquador sounds like quite a place. I hope you have the heavy duty, 'you'll be blind for the rest of the life' type pepper spray.

Keep up the good work. You're saving the world one kid at a time.

Johnny Q