Lunes, 7/14/08
Today was my first day of Spanish class! Me gusta mucho mi profesora, Jenny. I didn’t realize how rusty my Spanish was. (Gracias Consagra haha). By the end of the intense 4-hour lesson, I had 6 pages of my notebook filled with new vocab. (Many of them basic verbs like dar and hacer…that is where my level is at right now). But I think I can improve quickly. One of the other people living with me, Michelle, a 27-year old Swiss teacher who has been traveling the world with her boyfriend since January, came to
After class, the other Manna’s and I went through a training session, which will be ongoing for the next 3 weeks. Entonces, we hung out at Mark’s apartment close by our Spanish school, called la escuela de Guayasamin (Guayasamin was one of the most famous Ecuadorian painters). Jenny told me to put azucar (sugar) on top of my lips and lick my tongue over it back and forth for cinco minutos every night before bed, in order to help my pronunciation (I can’t roll my R’s). Hmm, we’ll see how that goes. Everyone seems to think this is a huge joke and makes fun of me. But I’ll show them. RRrrrrrrr
1 comment:
Haha Serena can't roll her R's!!! (Me neither, I guess it's genetic) I can't believe you don't know Dar or Hacer either! Agghhh I hope the Spanish classes are going well. Don't fail! Wait can you fail? If not, I should let you know that I'm very jealous.... GrrRrrrrRRrr
By the way, I hope you've figured out by now that it's not your madre speaking. Otherwise, I'd be a little worried... or just amused, I can't tell at the moment considering it's 11:30 at night and I got traumatized by ants invading our house today... (but mom and dad don't know, don't say anything! Kinda accidentally brought them in. Don't ask, you'll just end up questioning my intelligence and/or mental sanity.)
Well, I've been procrastinating a lot lately, but I'm happy to say that I actually got stuff done today. Not much, (I got hooked on Law & Order lately, no idea at all why) but it's more than the stuff I had done before. (Which, shamefully, was little more than nothing.) The realization that I have barely more than a month left kinda kicked my butt (or rather, dad's butt for driving me to the library) into gear.
Erm... well, I think that's it for today. Who knows, you might not even end up reading this post that took me about 15 minutes of forcing my half-dead brain to function to type. (I'm very talkative over the Internet. Too bad that same principle doesn't hold true in real life. Crud.)
Hope Ecuador's totally awesome! (With 2 months out of school, my adjectives have been becoming increasingly 3rd-grader sounding)
When can you go on Skype? Not that I can't wait for another nose picking close-up, but seriously, when was the last time we got to talk to you on there? Well, whenever it is, we never log out of Skype anyway... heh.
OKAY. I'm done! I hope everything's going greattttttt and stuff! Reply!... ? If you can? Agh, whatever. Just email mom or something, she checks her email more than me...
Margaret (Margarita?!)
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