Saturday, July 19, 2008

Uno dos tres…cinco seis siete!

Martes, 7/15/08

I learned how to SALSA today!!! Oh man, I love it. Definitely hitting up some salsa clubs in the nearby future. Shakira’s got nothin’ on these hips.

On a more serious note, one of our PDs, Dunc, got mugged today in broad daylight (around 5pm or so) while walking home from school. We shouldn’t have let him walk alone. He was cornered by two men, who pushed him against the wall and took all his money (about $150—which would have lasted a LONG time here in Quito, no joke). Risk management is a huge issue here. Quito is a very dangerous city, especially at night. Pickpocketing is so common that all but 1-2 of the Manna’s here haven’t been pickpocketed or robbed. I’ve heard so many horror stories, kinda scares me. But if anyone tries to lay a hand on me or my friends, I’ll pepper the living crap out of them, and that’s no joke either. No more walking alone anymore, even if it’s only 1-2 blocks. Some parts of Quito, especially Mariscol (an area where most “Gringos” hang out), is notorious for robberies and muggings. Some people have been stabbed and held at gun point, others were lucky to just get a few dollars taken. But we all have to take extra precautions here. Hopefully the pepper spray will be our last resort.

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