Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Vignette of the day

Feb. 2, 2009, 3:05pm. Sunny and clear skies, but clouds rolling in at a distance.

Casa barrial, San Francisco. Sitting on curb next to the door, looking towards antiquated playground. Smells like rotting cow dung.

David: cute chubby boy with dark grey t-shirt, dark blue sweat pants. Always sweating profusely. Pulls down Mateo's light blue sweat pants down to his black suede shoes on top of the slide. Mateo screams, as Wendy (5-year old matriarch) slides down the slide, while Jeremy and Carlos climb the ladder up to the top of the slide. Holly yells at David. Dylan sits inside the mini-church to the left of the playground, listening to my ipod and singing along (or attempting) to "Thriller."

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